About the author
Leu Huey Chai. Master of Arts from Nanjing University Overseas (Singapore). She has worked in cram schools for over two decades and is now a freelance writer. She has written two children’s books. Her writings are often published in various newspapers and magazines.
葆靈在幼小時就喜歡畫畫,當時我並沒有想到那就是他往後身心的寄託——進出畫裡畫外, 因為信筆塗鴉大抵是每個人兒時都會做的玩意兒,包括我自己。六歲那年,他畫了一隻動物,身上有條紋,看起來就像是老虎,特別的是那老虎是站著的。當時自立早報有發表兒童畫的欄目。我於是把葆靈的塗鴉定名為「老虎的條紋衣」寄出。結果發表了,我收存迄今。
As a young child, Bao Ling loved to draw. Back then, I did not realize that it would become the sustenance for his mind and body because doodling was what most children do, myself included. When he was just 6 years old, he drew an animal with stripes that looked like a tiger. What was special about that tiger was that it was standing. Back then, the Independence Morning Post had a column which featured children’s drawings. I submitted Baoling’s doodle with the title, “Tiger-striped Clothes,” and it was published. I still have that news clipping in my possession.
I love to write. When it came to parent–child interactions, I often let Baoling illustrate my writings. He could always find the key points and draw corresponding images that complimented my pieces. Sometimes, he would add dialogue. At that time, he was only around 12 or 13 years of age. For twenty years, I was involved in the Singaporean cram school scene. During that period, Baoling often illustrated my teaching materials. He also drew the cover for the Chinese textbook I composed for a publisher. The illustrations he created were adorable figures with lively expressions. Those he drew for the set of Hanyu Pinyin teaching materials were especially so. A coworker saw them and told me with certainty that if that set of teaching materials came into the hands of others, it would doubtlessly be plagiarized. That comment ended up causing me endless anxiety every time I used it in class, fearing that ill-intended people would get a hold of it.
為了讓孩子們浸濡英語環境,又不脫離母語, 十三歲的葆靈兄妹仨被父母帶到新加坡。有一天,他自己動手製作一本圖文兼具的小書〈小馬歷險記〉,封面、封底俱全,用的紙張較內文厚,而且全裹上透明膠帶,防潮兼有保護作用吧。內頁是對開形式,左圖右文,方便對照閱讀。小小年紀就能如此用心、細心地完成一本書,這種精神真是令人動容。小書內容來自他哥哥口述的故事,寫的是馬爸媽年紀已大,馬弟弟以智謀勇救被巫婆擄走的馬姐姐,讓歡樂重回家庭的故事。這故事裡的友愛正好也反映在葆靈的生活中。
My husband and I decided to bring our children to Singapore to immerse them in an English-speaking environment while maintaining their connection to their mother tongue, Mandarin. That was how, at age 13, Baoling, his two siblings, and my husband and I came to reside in Singapore. One day, Baoling created a little book, Adventures of a Little Pony, with text and illustrations along with a front and back cover. The cover of the book was made with heavy paper and held together with tape, possibly for the purpose of protection and to make the book waterproof. The content had pictures on the left and text on the right to facilitate cross-referencing. It was touching to see him being able to create a book with such care. The content of the book was based on a story told by his older brother. It depicted a young pony whose older sister was kidnapped by a witch. Because the young pony’s parents were old, he must exercise his wits and bravery in order to rescue his sister, making the family whole and happy again. The friendship between siblings in the story was also reflected in Bao Ling’s life.
Bao Ling and I shared a bed since the day he was born. One day, he was extremely sleepy, but I was still busy. He sat on the floor by the bed, leaning against the wall, and asked me, as I was walking in and out of the room, “Mommy, are you finished? Are you coming to bed?” I looked at him adoringly with his sleepy eyes trying to resist his sleepiness while he waited for me to go to bed with him. It was this loving child, who at the age of eight, quietly hugged his pillow and went to another room to relinquish his sleeping spot after his younger sister was born. He was a caring child, not only towards his sister, but towards others as well. Once a neighbor’s little girl was bullied by an older boy, and Baoling stood up for her. His sense of justice was probably innate.
葆靈和他的哥哥最特別的一點是,他們都不在教育體制下成長和學習,也就是自學啦。自學在當年不見容於社會,所以當先父得知我們竟然不讓老大上學,十分生氣。等到葆靈也到了就學年齡, 他說:「前面那個就算了,這個一定要讓他上學!」然而葆靈的父親就是堅持:填鴨教育,不上也罷!於是,他們兩個大男人,從此成了絕緣體。
Bao Ling and his brother were unique in that they did not grow up educated in the traditional school system. Instead, they were home-schooled. Back then, home-schooling was not widely accepted by society. When my late father learned that we had not enrolled our oldest boy in school, he was furious. When Bao Ling came of age to attend school, my late father said, “I’ll forgive you for your decision about the oldest child. But this one must go to school!” However, Bao Ling’s father insisted that his children would not be forced into the traditional educational system. Consequently, after that, my father and my husband treated each other as strangers.
兩個兒子的學習,都由我啟蒙。我買來教科書,教他們認字、寫字、做算數等。忘了教到哪一年才放手,而我放手時 ,兩兄弟已能自主學習,也喜歡閱讀,尤其是漫畫。我愛古典詩詞,也讓孩子們背過一些。後來我興起教兩兄弟古文的念頭,徵詢他們的意見。葆靈願意,他哥哥則說不。有一個願意就行,不想學的也一定聽得到我們的背誦,因為我嗓門大,而二十多坪的房子肯定無法隔離我的聲音,無論學與不學都一樣吧。這是我打的算盤。多少年過去了,少年葆靈一板一眼背誦諸葛亮〈出師表〉的模樣,仍留在我的海馬迴裡。
I was in charge of home-schooling both my boys. I bought textbooks to teach them reading, writing, and arithmetic. I forgot exactly how many years I taught them. I relaxed when they were finally able to read on their own. They loved to read, especially comic books. I love classic poetry, and I let my boys memorize some. Later, I had an idea to teach them ancient Chinese prose. I asked them if they would like to learn. Bao Ling was willing to learn, but not his brother. I thought it was fine as long as one of them was willing. The one who did not want to learn would hear us recite the prose. I was loud, and my voice would spread to every corner of our 270 square foot home. It would not have made a difference if they wanted to learn or not, I thought. Many years have passed, but I can still remember young Bao Ling memorizing and reciting “Chu Shi Biao” by Zhuge Liang in a very serious tone.
People often assume that home-schooled children will have difficulty socializing. In reality, home-schooling does not mean the children will become autistic. My late husband often took the whole family out on trips, and it was typical for us to go hiking in the mountains or to go to sports fields. For a period, we lived in a forest town. We opened our house to neighborhood children and allowed them to visit freely. Even children we met at the sports field would come. They all called me “Mom,” and those who were close to their ages became playmates with Bao Ling and his brother.
When not in school, my sons enjoyed a free and laidback lifestyle in Taiwan. When they moved to Singapore, the boys first attended a language school to improve their English. Later, they were enrolled in a Canadian international school. Thinking back, I am still grateful to this school. Other schools had rejected them, and it was the last chance for my children to stay with us in Singapore. That school waved the proof of qualification from Taiwan and instead interviewed them after giving them written exams. They were admitted to the 10th grade. This was 1999. Later, my late husband learned that the General Cambridge Education Ordinary Level was open to individual test-takers. (Passing the test would mean one is equal to having received a junior high school education.) Thus, my two sons left the international school and went to a cram school to study for the exam. However, after the 3-month student visa, provided by the cram school, expired, the immigration office denied them student visas. Consequently, my sons had to constantly depart and re-enter Singapore using landing visas. This resulted in inconsistent studies and attendance at the cram school.
I was worried. We were in Singapore, and we did not have people to consult or rely on when facing difficulties. I had to rely on myself. I wrote a letter to appeal on my children’s behalf. At the moment, my husband and sons were “traveling” abroad, on yet another visa run, so I began the letter by crediting myself: “I have made contributions for Singapore…” I mentioned that in 1999, I represented Singapore and attended the Pan-Southeast Asian Chinese Speech Contest and won third place. Then I mentioned that I was able to compose Chinese teaching materials because of the help from my children, one of them teaching me how to use the computer, and the other illustrated my materials. “If they are unable to obtain student visas and continue to live in Singapore, it would cripple me by taking away my hands. How could I continue to make contributions to Singapore?” I also mentioned that the children did not go to school in Taiwan “due to no fault of their own.” (In fact, what was wrong with home-schooling anyway?) And yet, the lack of formal schooling resulted in their inability to reside peacefully in a foreign country. I could not bear it. I would have to move the officials at the immigration office to turn things around. I was frantic but tried to remind myself to calm down. My tone in the letter was sometimes pleading and sometimes forceful. I gave it everything I had.
Finally, the cram school told us that the boys’ student visas were granted!
What happened later is worth mentioning. My children did not let me down. Despite the turbulent study process, both of them passed the Ordinary Level. Bao Ling’s Chinese and arts even scored the A1 level. It was 2001. This certificate was the beginning of them gaining learning certificates. Sometimes I wondered, if they had remained in Taiwan, they would not have to go through so many struggles to obtain their certificates. However, I believe this long road allowed them to experience perspectives ordinary people their age do not.
Bao Ling chose to study in the LASALLE College of the Arts, and he started creating his own world. His resume was long and surprised me. He was diligent. Although it seems that I did not attend his various solo exhibitions and joined exhibitions, they were always on my mind, and I always burn incense and pray to Buddha for him.
When children grow up, there comes a time to let go, allowing them to go their own way. When we first arrived at Singapore, I submitted an article to the Lianhe Zaobao entitled “Let Him Fly Solo,” in which my thoughts were revealed:
I told my friends that I would let my son fly solo, bit by bit. Each time he left his parents’ sight, it would be just for a couple of hours. In a couple of years, when his wings are fully grown, wherever he wishes to go, no matter how far, I will let him fly solo. Time does not allow parents to be guardian angels of their children for their children’s lifetime.
That article referred to my eldest child, Bao Ling’s older brother. But it was applicable to Bao Ling, wasn’t it? Once a pair of guardian angels, there is now only one left. And as I continue to age, how long could I remain their guardian angel?
Years later, I mentioned that I home-schooled my children. A local friend heard it, was silent for a while, and then said, “You were brave.” I said it was not I who was brave. I was only the implementer. Indeed, if my late husband had not made the decision, I certainly would not have challenged the system. I would not even have had such thoughts. As luck would have it, both my sons never complained about their experiences growing up. Bao Ling even thought that this experience enriched him. Indeed, when he stayed in a temple in China, he observed sculpted Buddhist statues and later tried his hand at sculpting replicas from clay. Perhaps the experience helped his artistic creations.
Lately, Bao Ling asked me in the family message group, “Say, I’m going to hold a solo exhibition on September 3. This time, I’m going to print an art album. Mom, would you be interested in writing an essay to be included? The only thing is that you must hurry and finish it by late July.”
Of course. It would be an honor to write for my son. Thus, I turned back time and turned back the clock, I dug up all the thoughts and stories that had been buried in my memories and jotted them down in this essay. I hope Bao Ling remembers that although the world wants to see him soar and fly high, as his mother, what I care about most is whether he is tired of flying. I’m sure his father in Heaven will agree.
Despite being Bao Ling’s mother, I will confess that I cannot draw or paint to save my life. Nor can I comment on his painting skills. I can only talk about his daily life. I can only take pride that I allowed him the space to spread his wings and explore his artistic nature in his youth. This time, I borrowed his exhibition title “The Light of Freedom'' to write this essay. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the teachers and seniors in the art scene who have cared for, mentored, and led Bao Ling. I would also like to thank the gallery for offering him the opportunity and space to exhibit his works. Finally, I wish Bao Ling, whose life is dedicated to his art, a smooth career, a successful exhibition, and that he may feel fulfilled in everything. As your mother, I shall always stand behind and support you.