
盛放台灣-台灣當代藝術展講座:夜旅-林葆靈夜景繪畫探索15年 Artist Talk: LIN Bao Ling

Overlooking View of the Night Streetscape
179.5 × 90cm / mixed media on rice paper / 2010
collection of Art Bank Taiwan

【藝術講座/Artist's Talk】

👍(講題1) 夜旅-林葆靈夜景繪畫探索15年

藝術家: 林葆靈 LIN Bao Ling

Saturday Oct.5, 2019, 3:00 pm / @SOTA GALLERY (1 Zubir Said Dr, Singapore 227968)

林葆靈以夜晚光影為創作題材, 2005年至今已持續探索15年之久。本次講座他將按照時間軸談論他創作路上的點點滴滴,並介紹他不同時期的作品。

Topic1 Nightvoyage: 15 Years Painting City Lights with Soul

Artist: LIN Bao-Ling

Lin Bao-ling has been explored night light and shadow as his creative theme for 15 years since 2005. In this lecture, he will talk about the creative process according to the timeline and introduce his works from different periods.


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2019/10/05座談現場(攝:Felix Lee

 2019/10/05座談現場(攝:Felix Lee

