
「鍊光藝術家」林葆靈 以水墨快速流淌的特性 捕捉世間瞬息萬變的流轉光影

感謝《藝文風》的報導 :)《藝文風》可到金車文藝中心免費索取 也可下載pdf版: http://www.kingcarart.org.tw/index.php?opt=download

楊雅涵。〈「鍊光藝術家」林葆靈 以水墨快速流淌的特性 捕捉世間瞬息萬變的流轉光影〉。《藝文風》05期 (11-12月號, 2015): 093-094頁。


2015/10/04(Sun.) ~ 2015/11/01(Sun.)

索卡藝術‧台南 Soka Art Tainan



ART TAIPEI 2015 台北國際藝術博覽會

LIN Bao Ling 林葆靈 Tokyo Nocturne 《東京夜曲》  mixed media on multi-media vellum 複合媒材於製圖膠片91 x 179 cm  2015

索卡藝術 展位A02
Soka Art Booth A02
Participating Artists
彭賢祥 Peng Hsien Hsiang
池田光弘 Mitsuhiro Ikeda
曾建勇Zeng Jian Yong
劉國松 Liu Kuo Sung
加藤泉Izumi KATO
林葆靈 Lin Bao Ling
詹志評 Chan Chih Ping
席時斌 Hsi Shih Pin
梁銓 Liang Quan
陶發 Tao Fa
趙博 Zhao Bo
洪凌 Hong Ling

VIP Preview
Thursday, October 29th

Thursday, October 29th

Public Opening
Friday, October 30th

Opening Hours
11 am – 7 pm (Till 6 pm on Monday, November 2nd)

展  館
台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓一館 11011台北市信義區信義路五段五號— 在臺北世貿中心展覽大樓(世貿一館)
Taipei World Trade Center, Exhibition Hall One NO.5, Hsin-Yi Rd., Sec 5, Taipei City 11011, Taiwan


LIN Bao Ling 林葆靈 Night Fantasia V 《夜的幻想曲 V》 mixed media on multi-media vellum 複合媒材於製圖膠片 60 x 107 cm 2015


[轉載] 突破視覺方寸的歡沁視野收藏家 / 高桂斌

 藝術家林葆靈作品《Castle in the Snow》,是夫妻兩人共同喜愛的藝術收藏。




高桂斌和太太經常一起參觀展覽、一起旅行,他們的藝術收藏包含油畫、水彩畫、雕塑與版畫作品,因為熱愛旅行,也有部分收藏品是在海外旅行時購買。談及喜歡的作品類型,「視覺的吸引力對我而言很重要,我喜歡藉由藝術家構築出來的畫面去想像身在其中的情境。藝術家林葆靈的作品《Castle in the Snow》將紐約中央公園描繪成一個夢幻仙境,當我到紐約旅行時就迫不及待到中央公園尋訪畫面中的場景,對我而言藝術創作將現實的場景轉化,而欣賞作品就跟旅行一樣都是認識世界的一種方法。」






"Dynasty" - 中華航空機上雜誌


Lin Bao-ling’s artistic works combine contemporary ink and lighting. He uses drafting films and other unorthodox materials as a canvas for painting. These materials are similar to the qualities of plastic, such that diluted paints can flow freely on their surface before condensing. The style is reminiscent of how light drifts across a city, freeze-framing beautiful moments and memories. This is why Lin is known as the “light-refining” artist.

He has held exhibitions in the U.S., Singapore, and Taiwan. Not having attended school before the age of fifteen, Lin has had an eccentric learning process, fearlessly pioneering his painting style. He will be holding a solo exhibition in Tainan in October, titled Sleepless Nights, which is derived from Shuidiao Getou, a traditional Chinese melody by the Song Dynasty poet Su Shi. Having had many sleepless nights, Lin came to form his own painting style through a collision with the world and its rules.

Text: Annie Chiang
OCT 2015

Dynasty - The Inflight Magazine of China Airlines (中華航空機上雜誌)


The Extended Meaning of Multiplicated Images

By Shen Keng  Li

The Double Meaning of Transboundary

In order to define something, we first need to say what it is! Is it Contemporary Ink Art? Or Contemporary Art? The concept of the term “Contemporary Ink Art” has seldom been mentioned and analyzed. Although the term often appears in art reviews and exhibitions, its use is often limited to the literal meaning or metaphoric pictorial presentation of the term. The contemporary ink art we talk about is just like any other words of a similar nature, just an over-analyzed explanation limited to a literal meaning.

Darkness Light Darkness ──Discussing the work of Lin Bao Ling

By Cheng Sheng Hua
There will be no dawn, our world belongs completely to the eternal night. Everything takes on the essence of the darkness, whilst never becoming lifeless or dreary. Slowly, the eternal night is lit up by the light of our desires. So bright it hurts the eyes, the light even reaches the darkest places. Time starts to disappear as it falls into the unclear zone between the mortal and the underworld. It frees itself from the control of the hands of the clock and returns to sacred time, a time without any of its properties. The lights are not for lighting, rather, a celebration of life. In the dizzying splendor, a small path leads between the underworld to sub-consciousness. The paintings of Lin Bao Ling outline fantastical landscapes of the night like such. He sets a beautiful trap that no audience can help but to fall into. It evokes the fatal attraction of our desires. In the end, this trap will lead to emptiness, the gaps in history and the bleak abyss of life.

Firstly, there would be no harm in starting with a clear thread to the story...

The Light of Light: Caravaggio and Lin Bao Ling