林葆靈開幕致辭 攝影/彭婉華 |
要跟聽眾有eye contact
大家好,我是林葆靈,很榮幸能在這樣重要的場合,代表參展者,跟大家說幾句話。首先,一定要鄭重感謝金車集團的李添財董事長、李玉鼎總經理以及Andrew,這些年對藝文推廣與扶持台灣年輕創作者所做的貢獻。也要感謝金車文藝中心所有的工作人員。今天很開心有機會又回到最初的起點,與那麼多優秀的藝術家,老朋友在這麼棒的空間一起展出。感謝大家出席今天的開幕 。
今天在這展出的藝術家們基本上都是在創作生涯的早期便在金車展覽過的。我自己與金車文藝中心的瑋特總監是在2010年索卡藝術的一場聯展開幕上認識, 他在那邊初次看到我的作品。當時第一印象是覺得他很像歌手小剛-周傳雄。 在同年的9/2我收到他的電子郵件,邀請我去金車文藝中心辦個展,那是我留學新加坡,返台後的第一次個展,我個人覺得頗具紀念意義與重要性。
2010至今的創作之路上,金車文藝中心都給了我許多幫助 - 我在2011年幸運地得到金車新銳油畫獎首獎,在金車文藝中心個展過 2次、 聯展7次、 當過15次金車文藝講座的講師、 3次金車青年油畫獎評審, 也錄過1次教學影片。在2012年瑋特總監成立青年藝術家團體-少遊島繪社,個性內向有些社恐的我,意外地曾被瑋特總監提名成為某一任社長。我與這個團體一起做過一些好玩的事情,像是到廢墟拍攝宣傳片,參與了金車員山館的酒桶彩繪計劃, 到廣州參加藝博會等等。我也還記得第一次到台灣藝術大學當金車校園文藝講座的講師,一度結巴, 還說不出話來,當時懊惱受挫的心情記憶猶新。後來努力觀摩學習別人,磨練口條與台風,漸漸有所長進。很感謝金車文藝中心後來願意再給我機會擔任文藝講座的講師。
一路來,與金車文藝中心的種種合作都很愉快。瑋特總監心思細膩,很為藝術家著想,所有的員工也都很親切友善並專業,與瑋特總監和其她員工像是思慧 、已離職的雅蛤、已調職的郁婷等 ,私下也會一起打球、 爬山 、吃火鍋等。通過金車文藝中心,我認識了許多朋友與前輩,經歷體驗了許多,豐富了我的人生,也讓我有所成長,留下了許多珍貴的回憶,著實感謝。
十多年就像一眨眼, 許多事還恍若昨日,但後退的髮線與模糊的視力都提醒著我,真的從青年步入中年了。但老驥伏櫪,志在千里。作為創作者,我們仍然努力著在創作上能有所變化/進化,而金車文藝中心也是如此,與時俱進,如推出VR線上展覽、語音導覽,近期也推出podcast節目:《藝類人聲》, (請大家按讚訂閱分享並開啟小鈴鐺再到 apple podcast 或Sportify給予五星好評),以及這次的承德館空間升級,金車文藝中心不斷努力提供創作者更好的曝光與分享平台,為推廣藝文做出的努力,有目共睹。
人生沒有幾個15年,我們都經歷過所謂的「失敗」嘗試,但很高興我們都還在努力著, 繼續嘗試著新事物與新想法,想要變得更好。希望大家能繼續支持我們。
最後,在此也要感謝我的經紀畫廊- 索卡藝術,對於我這次參展的支持與協助。
林葆靈開幕致辭 攝影/彭婉華 |
I was entrusted with the task of delivering the opening speech on behalf of the male artists participating in the exhibition. It took me a whole day to complete the speech.
When it comes to public speaking, there is still much room for improvement. The night before, sleep was elusive as I pondered how to refine the content of the speech. After drafting it, I practiced it several times. On the actual day, I didn't refer to my notes while speaking, recalling the advice my high school teacher once gave: don't keep your head buried in your script during a speech; maintain eye contact with the audience.
As I spoke on stage, I began to feel that perhaps I was speaking for too long. I worried about taking up too much of everyone's time. So, I spontaneously omitted some content and even engaged in a bit of impromptu performance. My goal was for the speech to convey not only gratitude but also to be engaging.
Opening speech by Lin Bao Ling Photo by Sofi Peng |
Speech Script
Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Lin Bao Ling, and I feel honored to represent the exhibitors on this important occasion to say a few words. First of all, I must express my sincere gratitude to Chairman T.T. Lee, General Manager Albert Lee, and Andrew of King Car Group for their contributions to the promotion of arts and support for young creators in Taiwan. I would also like to thank all the staff at King Car Cultural and Art Center. Today, I am delighted to have the opportunity to return to where it all began, showcasing alongside so many talented artists and old friends in this fantastic space. Thank you all for attending today's opening.
The artists exhibiting here today have all been featured at King Car's exhibitions early in their artistic careers. I personally got acquainted with Director Vic Te Chang of King Car Cultural and Art Center at a joint exhibition opening of Soka Art in 2010, where he first saw my works. At that time, my first impression was that he resembled the singer Steve Chou Chuan-hsiung. On September 2 of the same year, I received an email from him inviting me to hold a solo exhibition at King Car Cultural and Art Center. It was my first solo exhibition after returning from studying in Singapore, and I consider it to be quite meaningful and significant personally.
Throughout the journey of creation from 2010 to the present, King Car Cultural and Art Center has been a great source of support for me - I was fortunate to receive the first prize in the King Car New Talent Oil Painting Award in 2011, and I have had two solo exhibitions, participated in seven joint exhibitions, served as a lecturer in 15 King Car Cultural and Art Center art lectures, judged the King Car Youth Oil Painting Award three times, and recorded one instructional video. In 2012, Director Vic Te established the Youth Artists Group - Show Your Island, and to my surprise, being introverted and somewhat socially anxious, he nominated me to be the president of the group at one point. I have had some fun experiences with this group, such as shooting promotional videos in ruins, participating in the wine barrel painting project at KCCA Yilan Yuanshan Space, and attending art fairs in Guangzhou. I also remember my first time as a lecturer for the King Car Campus Art Lecture at National Taiwan University of Arts, where I was initially nervous and couldn't speak well, and I still vividly recall the feeling of frustration and setback. However, I made efforts to observe and learn from others, polishing my speech and demeanor, and gradually made progress. I am very grateful that King Car Cultural and Art Center later gave me the opportunity to be a lecturer in their art lectures again.
Throughout this journey, all the collaborations with King Car Cultural and Art Center have been delightful. Director Vic Te is thoughtful and considerate towards artists, and all the staff members are friendly, kind, and professional. I've had the chance to bond with Director Vic Te and other employees like Si Hui, the former employee Ya Ha, and the transferred employee Yu Ting, by playing badminton, hiking, and enjoying hot pot together. Through King Car Cultural and Art Center, I've made many friends and met seniors in the field, experienced and learned a lot, enriched my life, and grown as an individual, leaving behind many precious memories. I am truly grateful for all of this.
Over a decade has passed in the blink of an eye, and many events still feel like they happened yesterday, but the receding hairline and blurry vision remind me that I have indeed transitioned from youth to middle age. Nonetheless, with determination as strong as ever, my aspiration reaches far beyond the horizon. As creators, we continue to strive for change and evolution in our artistic endeavors, and King Car Cultural and Art Center does the same, always staying up-to-date by introducing VR online exhibitions, audio-guided tours, and more recently, launching the podcast program: "Yi Lei Ren Sheng《藝類人聲》" (Please give it a like, subscribe, share, and activate the notification bell before heading to Apple Podcasts or Spotify to give it a five-star review). Also, the recent upgrade of the Chengde Hall space demonstrates King Car Cultural and Art Center's ongoing efforts to provide artists with better exposure and sharing platforms, making significant contributions to promoting arts and culture, which are evident for all to see.
Life doesn't offer many 15-year periods, and we have all experienced so-called "failures" . But I am glad that we are all still striving and continuing to explore new things and new ideas, aiming to become better. I hope you will continue to support us.
Lastly, I would like to thank my agency gallery - Soka Art, for their support and assistance in my participation in this exhibition.
Thank you, everyone.
參展藝術家與總經理和總監大合照 攝影/彭婉華 - |
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