
[幫推] Vermont Studio Center International Fellowships

佛蒙特藝術中心提供8周的的藝術家進駐機會給外國藝術家,由Freeman基金會, the Shelley and Donald Rubin 基金會 and the Robert Sterling Clark 基金會熱情贊助。藝術家進駐獎包括來回機票, 旅遊保險, 個展及其他贊助。41日截止

VSC awards a number of fellowships for 8-week residencies to international residents from specific countries through the generous support of the Freeman Foundation, the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation and the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation. Each residency award comes with round-trip air travel, travelers health insurance, an exhibition in the Red Mill Gallery, and other benefits depending on the award. To apply for a fellowship, please download an application and mail it in by April 1 with your supporting materials. Those artists not eligible for these awards are welcome to apply for Vermont Studio Center Fellowships at 2/15, 6/15 and 10/1.

Awards for the April 1 Deadline:
18th Annual Freeman Fellowship Program for Asian Artists

Sponsored by the Freeman Foundation, ten fellowship awards for mid-career artists from China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.
Rubin Fellowships for Himalayan Artists

Sponsored by the Shelley and Donald Rubin Foundation, two fellowship awards for mid-career artists from Bhutan, Mongolia, Nepal, Tibetan Ethnic (TAR/China), Tibetan Member of the Diaspora, who are engaging in or responding to traditional Himalayan art forms.

Robert Sterling Clark Fellowships for African Artists

Sponsored by the Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, five fellowship awards for mid-career artists from all sovereign and non-sovereign dependent territories on the continent of Africa.

Freeman Fellowships

10 Fellowship Awards for Mid-Career Artists From:

China Japan Philippines Thailand
Hong Kong Korea Singapore Vietam
Indonesia Malaysia Taiwan

Fellowship Winners Receive:
8-week VSC residency Housing/food Travelers Health Insurance
Private studio space Round-trip air travel Red Mill Gallery Exhibition

Freeman Fellowships

Ten outstanding mid-career visual artists will be selected for 2-month residency awards by a distinguished independent jury. Artists will be chosen from the following countries; China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.

佛蒙特藝術中心: http://www.vermontstudiocenter.org/international-fellowships/

Vermont Studio Center (美國 佛蒙特洲)藝術家進駐申請

藝術理想國—佛蒙特藝術中心, 陶博館期刊,期數:29,2010/05/14 出刊, 作者:李昀珊

