
「雪‧夜」 - 林葆靈個展

台灣藝術家林葆靈於紐約法拉盛第一銀行展覽「雪‧夜」(Snow and Night)
展覽地點:紐約第一銀行畫廊 (Amerasia Bank Gallery, 41-02 Main St,Queens, NY 11355, USA


開放時間:週一至週四9am至4pm, 週五9am至6pm週六9am-3pm至11:00 am

開幕: 4月2日1 pm to 3pm


[個展] Winter Nocturne

Winter Nocturne 

a Solo Exhibition by Lin Bao-Ling

2011 March 18 - 2011 March 23

Opening Reception: March 19, 7pm

Lin, Bao Ling, Taiwanese Artist, one of the 2010/2011 Freeman Foundation Asian Artist Fellowship winners. The exhibition shows the snowy night paintings he created during his residency at Vermont Studio Center.

Red Mill Gallery
Vermont Studio Center
80 Pearl Street
Johnson, Vermont, USA

online exhibition


[幫推] Vermont Studio Center International Fellowships

佛蒙特藝術中心提供8周的的藝術家進駐機會給外國藝術家,由Freeman基金會, the Shelley and Donald Rubin 基金會 and the Robert Sterling Clark 基金會熱情贊助。藝術家進駐獎包括來回機票, 旅遊保險, 個展及其他贊助。41日截止