[轉貼賽訊] 世界漫畫大獎賽
每週發行40萬部的日本最受歡迎的青年週刊漫畫雜誌《MORNING》,已創刊超過25周年。創刊以來,本雜誌陸續推出了《浪客行(Vagabond)》、《Kami-no-shizuku》、《沉默的艦隊(The Silent Service)》、《醫界風雲(Say hello to BLACK JACK)》、《小恐龍阿岡(GON)》等大受讀者歡迎的作品,常給日本社會帶來很大的“社會性的影響”。為了挖掘人才、突出新秀,《MORNING》雜誌社現向世界各地的讀者廣開大門、招賢求才,開展盛大的大獎賽活動。
截止日期 2009年12月31日(以當地郵戳為准)
大獎賽設一等獎1名,獎勵5000美金,二等獎2名,各獎勵2000美金。 另外,獲得一等獎的作品將刊登在每週發行40萬部的日本最受歡迎的青年週刊漫畫雜誌《MORNING》,或特刊《MORNING 2》上。之後,還將由《MORNING》的優秀編輯擔任主編來協助製作得獎者的漫畫創作。而且,對獲大獎後的得獎者的作品也有可能得以刊登在《MORNING》或《MORNING 2》、或者以單行本的形式在日本和其他國家發行。(不過,一等獎也有可能空缺)
獲得二等獎的作品也有可能由我們的編輯人員擔當主編,刊登在週刊漫畫雜誌《MORNING》、《MORNING 2》,或網路週刊漫畫雜誌《MORNINGMANGA.COM》上。
【3】評審委員會: MORNING 國際漫畫評審委員會(Morning International Comic Competition Committee)
日本國東京都文京區音羽2-12-21 講談社 《MORNING M. I. C. C.》編輯部 (不可以對方付款的方式郵寄) 請隨信附紙注明您的地址、姓名、年齡、職業、電話號碼、郵件地址、簡歷等。
【7】大賽結果揭曉時間 將於2010年3月左右發表在《MORNING》的網路週刊漫畫雜誌《MORNINGMANGA.COM》上。
消息來源: http://e-morning.jp/micc/
presented by Weekly Morning, Kodansha, Japan
Competition entries being accepted now!
Morning, with a weekly circulation of more than 400,000 copies and more than 25 years of history, is Japan's largest and most prominent comic magazine for mature readers. Since its very first issue, the magazine has been host to such megahits as Vagabond, The Drops of the Gods (Kami-no-shizuku), The Silent Service, Say hello to BLACK JACK, and GON, and has had continual and significant influence on Japanese society. We are currently broadening our horizons by holding a competition across the globe in order to seek out and develop new talent.
Deadline - last acceptable postmark/backstamp on December 31, 2009.
Grand prize - US $5000, with two second prizes of US $2000 each.
The grand prize winning entry will be published in the pages of Morning or a special issue of Morning 2 magazine. In addition, the most experienced Morning comics editors will be assigned to the creators of the winning submission to assist in the development of their works. The winning entry and other work from the winning author may also be eligible to be published as independent comic books in Japan and elsewhere. Editors will also be assigned to the two second prize winners, whose entries may potentially be published in Morning, Morning 2 or on our companion website, MORNINGMANGA.COM. (The selection committee also reserves the right not to award a Grand Prize if no entry is deemed a winner.)
Please refer carefully to the following terms. It will be deemed that you have agreed to all of them upon entry.
[1] Comics' content Submissions ...must be at least 12 pages and not more than 50 pages, ... ...will be restricted to a minimum of 12 pages and a maximum of 50 pages, ... not published in commercial magazines, nor as books or anthologies, in any country.
[2] Rules of illustration
Comics on any type of paper, using any kind of drawing tools, will be accepted. Both color and black-and-white will be accepted. However, pieces accepted in color may be published in black and white in Morning magazine. For reference: comics in Japan are normally drawn on B4-sized paper, in black ink, in a 270mm x 180 mm frame. Submissions may be on CD-R or other digital storage media, but we request that printed copies be included with such data-based entries. Text should be in your native language or Japanese, and should be written clearly.
[3] Selection committee: Morning International Comics Competition Committee
[4] Method of Application
Send submissions to:
Kodansha Morning M. I. C. C.
2-12-21 Otowa
Please ensure that you include your name, address, age, occupation, telephone number, e-mail address and CV with your entry.
Entries cannot be returned.
We recommend that you keep a copy of your entry.
[5] Kodansha Ltd. will automatically obtain the exclusive right to publish all prize-winning works (whether for grand prize or secondary prizes) in magazines, and the exclusive option to exercise the right to publish and/or exploit said works in independent books and on magazine websites, as well as the exclusive option to all other secondary/subsidiary rights with respect to the said works. Kodansha Ltd. will determine whether or not to exercise all foregoing rights and/or options under its sole and absolute discretion.
[6] You must warrant that your entry (comic work) is completely original and of your own creation, All content therein must be accurate and lawful, and not harmful, libelous or defamatory to, or infringing upon the rights of any person or entity in any way. You will be obliged to indemnify any damage Kodansha Ltd. may suffer as a result of any inconsistency with the foregoing requirements.
[7] Release of results: results will be announced on the Morning website (MORNINGMANGA.COM) around March, 2010.
[委託製作]Commission for Hotel project: part 2
新加坡的旅館,Citadines Singapore Mount Sophia委製的畫作完成圖
一同掛在他們的Breakfast Lounge
[水墨] 巷口夜雨
( Merit Awardt of the 27th Taoyuan Fine Arts Exhibition,Taiwan)
[推薦] Beyond Realm - A Solo Exhibition by Arnewaty
Beyond Realm – The ‘Pelagic’ Series
A Solo Exhibition by Arnewaty
A Solo Exhibition by Arnewaty
Local Artist-in-Residence of POST-MUSEUM
107 + 109 Rowell Road, S (208033)
Tuesday to Friday: 6 - 10pm Saturday to Sunday: 12 - 10pm
Opening reception 18th June 2009, 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Exhibition runs from 19th June till 5th July 2009
Opening reception 18th June 2009, 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Exhibition runs from 19th June till 5th July 2009
[推薦] Flux Technicolour- a Solo Exhibition by Ian Woo
Ian Woo / The Angel That Slept And Woke Up In A Time Machine
Acrylic on canvas / 160 x 170 cm / 2009
(image source: http://www.fortunecookieprojects.com/projects/splash)
Ian Woo - Flux Technicolour
28 May - 20 June 2009
39 Keppel Road #02-04
Tanjong Pagar Distripark
Singapore 089065
Fortune Cookie Projects presents an exhibition of new work by Singaporean artist Ian Woo. His seemingly free-form improvisations belie a highly disciplined architectonic. Using pattern and colour he creates a series of imaginary worlds, landscapes and allegories that allow the viewer to make his own choices and his own discoveries.
A lecturer for Postgraduate Studies at Lasalle College of the Arts, Woo has exhibited extensively throughout Asia. His work can be found in corporate, private and institutional collections around the world.
Artist's Statement
'The title Flux Technicolour comes from a reference to the idea of a continuous presence of fluctuating changes in both colour and forms that affects the gravity of the paintings. I think about temperature and quality of light quite a lot when applying colours to a painting. I also have this fascination that the painting is an imaginary light box, where structure, substance, colour co-relate to become matter. I like to pretend that the painting is like a film still from some imaginary cinematic experience.'
更多詳情>> http://www.fortunecookieprojects.com/
click for more images>>http://www.fortunecookieprojects.com/projects/index/30
老師胡耀光(Ian Woo) 的最新個展
The Angel That Slept And Woke Up In A Time Machine
(或可譯為: "在時光機裡睡覺與醒來的天使")
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