大約17年前,剛從學院畢業的我,看了《藝術家這一行 - 如何以藝術為職業的自修手冊》,書中提到:「記住,你的聲望就只靠你的幻燈片了」,於是我就花了不少功夫,認真地為自己的作品製作了幻燈片。一轉眼,幻燈片已經成為了時代的眼淚,年輕一輩連聽都沒聽過。再看到這些幻燈片,令人憶起當時初出茅廬,不知天高地厚的自己,令人懷念。
Approximately 17 years ago, fresh out of college, I came across "Art Marketing 101 - A Handbook for The Fine Artists." In the book, it emphasized, "Remember, your reputation relies solely on your slides." Inspired by this advice, I dedicated considerable effort to meticulously create slides for my own creations. In the blink of an eye, those slides have become the tears of the era, unknown to the younger generation. Looking back at these slides, it evokes memories of my early days, a time when I was naive and ambitious, unaware of the challenges that lay ahead—nostalgia at its finest.