
【索卡藝術|V ART TAINAN 虛擬實境線上展廳】


本次線上展會將於5月15日(五)至5月28日(四)開放,貴賓預展日為5月14日(四)下午兩點開始。索卡將為您呈現藝術家 #王永衢#吳欣宇#林葆靈#黃柏勳#蔡孟閶#鍾曉紋 共六位台灣藝術家的精彩作品,欲欣賞與詢問作品相關資訊,請把握參觀時間,並點



Soka Art is pleased to participate in the “V ART TAINAN Online Viewing Rooms”. The exhibition space will be moved in front of you as if you are personally on the scene.

V ART TAINAN Online Viewing Rooms launches on May 15 and remains live until May 28, with VIP Preview Days on the 14th.

Our V ART TAINAN Online Viewing Room will feature Wang Yungchiu, Wu Avis, Lin Baoling, Huang Pohsun, Tsai Mengchang, and Chung Hsiaowen. To view and inquire about available works, please visit https://art-taipei.com

林葆靈 《躲貓貓》 壓克力於製圖膠片 59.5 x 40 公分 2019
LIN Bao Ling / Hiding Cat / acrylic on multi-media vellum / 59.5 x 40 cm / 2019


展名|V ART TAINAN 虛擬實境線上展廳
貴賓預展|2020/05/14(Thu.) pm 14:00

Exhibition: "V ART TAINAN" Online Viewing Rooms
Date: 2020/05/15(Fri.)-05/28(Thu.)
VIP Preview: 2020/05/14(Thu.) pm 14:00


台南藝博會首創VR藝術體驗 300多件作品免費線上欣賞

2020-05-12 14:08 聯合報 / 記者翁家德/即時報導 (https://udn.com/news/story/7266/4557998

新冠肺炎疫情取消的2020台南藝術博覽會,在臺灣畫廊協會多方的探尋討論之下,展現十足創意,導入全新沉浸式的VR線上觀展技術,打造「2020 V ART TAINAN」,將原訂於台南大億麗緻酒店舉辦的飯店型博覽會搬到線上,為台灣與全球的藝術愛好者打造嶄新的VR藝術體驗。

「2020 V ART TAINAN」將於5月15日至5月28日開放一般大眾線上觀展,喜愛藝術的民眾可透過E-mail免費申請登入,一覽台南藝術博覽會集結的47間亞太地區優質畫廊展出。民眾登入頁面後,可透過螢幕指示,從大億麗緻酒店正門進入,穿越大廳,拾級而上。


【2020 V ART TAINAN 台南藝術博覽會展出訊息】





2020年5月15日(星期五)凌晨0時至2020年5月28日(星期四)晚上11時59分止「2020 V ART TAINAN」將原於台南大億麗緻展出的博覽會搬到線上。圖/社團法人中華民國畫廊協會提供


【療癒遊樂園 – 藝術家聯展丨Healing Amusement Park – Artists Group Exhibition】

藝 術 家 Artists丨李瑞 Li Rui、林葆靈 Lin Bao Ling、梁銓 Liang Quan、陳淑霞 Chen Shuxia、丸山直文 Naofumi Maruyama、松山智一 Tomokazu Matsuyama、幸田千依 Koda Chie、會田誠 Makoto Aida、尤莉.坎薩庫 Yuree Kensaku、卡圖爾.畢納帕.賽佑 Catur Binapra Setyo

展  期 Date丨2020/05/16 (Sat.) - 2020/05/30 (Sat.)

地  點 Location索卡藝術.台北丨Soka Art Taipei (台北市中山區堤頂大道二段350號No.350, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan)

聯  繫 Contact丨02-2533-9658




索卡藝術將於2020/5/16(六)至5/30(六)舉辦《療癒遊樂園 – 藝術家聯展》,展出來自亞洲各國藝術家的作品:李瑞、林葆靈、梁銓、陳淑霞、丸山直文、松山智一、幸田千依、會田誠、尤莉.坎薩庫與卡圖爾.畢納帕.賽佑。以下為大家介紹園內精彩的設施:極速滑水道、五彩蹦極跳、花園小火車、時光旅行機、漂漂河、童話劇場、數位市集、青春漆彈場、躲貓貓鬼屋與光影嘉年華。看完後心中是否蠢蠢欲動呢?



林葆靈 /《光影遊行》 / 複合媒材於製圖膠片/ 61 x 77 公分 / 2015  LIN Bao Ling,, "Light Parade". Mixed media on multi-media vellum, 61 x 77 cm. 2015

林葆靈 /《光影遊行》 / 複合媒材於製圖膠片/ 61 x 77 公分 / 2015 

LIN Bao Ling, "Light Parade". Mixed media on multi-media vellum, 61 x 77 cm. 2015

Welcome to "Healing Amusement Park". You can temporarily forget all your worries and sorrows here. Let the cheerful and colorful lines take you away from the suffocating oppression of reality. Let the calm and peaceful colors make you relax and get rid of the tired and powerless mind. Let rich and wonderful narratives satisfy your instinct for longing for spiritual freedom.

Soka Art will hold the "Healing Amusement Park-Artists Joint Exhibition" from 5th May (Sat.) to 30th May (Sat.), 2020, exhibiting works of artists from various Asian countries, including Li Rui, @lin_bao_ling Lin Baoling, Liang Quan, Chen Shuxia, Naofumi Maruyama, @tomokazumatsuyama Tomokazu Matsuyama, Koda Chie, Makoto Aida, Yuree Kensaku, and Catur Binapra Setyo. Here are some wonderful facilities in the park: Speed Waterslide, Colorful Bungee Jumping, Garden Trains, Time Travel Machine, Lazy River, Fairy Tale Theater, Digital Market, Youth Paintball Field, Peek-a-boo Haunted House, and Light & Shadow Carnival. After reading these, are you tempted?

In order to ensure the physical and mental safety of everyone entering the park, please remember to bring your own "mask" to enter the park.

The opening of "Healing Amusement Park" is counting down, so stay tuned!

林葆靈 /《宮廷光影 VIII》 / 複合媒材於製圖膠片 / 61 x 100公分 / 2015 
LIN Bao Ling, “Palace of Light and shadow VIII”. Ink and acrylic on multi-media vellum, 61 x 100 cm. 2015

林葆靈 /《躲貓貓 II》/ 壓克力於製圖膠片/ 61 x 42.5 公分 / 2019
林葆靈 /《躲貓貓 II》/ 壓克力於製圖膠片/ 61 x 42.5 公分 / 2019 
LIN Bao Ling, "Hiding Cat II". Acrylic on multi-media vellum. 61 x 42.5 cm, 2019.

林葆靈 /《躲貓貓》/ 壓克力於製圖膠片/ 59.5 x 40 公分 / 2019
林葆靈 /《躲貓貓》/ 壓克力於製圖膠片/ 59.5 x 40 公分 / 2019 
LIN Bao Ling, "Hiding Cat". Acrylic on multi-media vellum. 59.5 x 40 cm, 2019.




