1/20丨The Nameless Little Guy丨polyurethanes (PU), paint丨13 x 21 x 28 cm丨2018 1/20丨《沒有名字的小傢伙》丨聚氨酯, 設色丨 13 x 21 x 28 公分丨2018 Weight 3.1 kg 「沒有名字的小傢伙」這個人物是在2006年, 我還在學院就讀時的版畫作品(圖1) 中便出現了。之所以「沒有名字」, 是因為我是想由它表現我個人複雜, 或是難以名狀的情緒與想法, 或我所經歷的一些事情; 但它也並不僅只指涉我自身,也可以代表有同樣或類似感受與經歷的任何一個人。正如心理諮詢師羅傑斯(Carl R. Rogers)說過:「What is most personal is most universal」。我們以為是很個人的某種經驗或感受往往也是許多人經歷過或感受過的,有著普遍性,因此我不給這個人物取一個特定的名字。它可說是我心中的孩子, 也代表著初心, 所以有著小孩般的體型; 它赤裸, 沒有武裝, 在這個危險的世界裡常常受傷, 所以身上包著繃帶, 貼著ok繃; 他有眼睛但沒有瞳孔, 看不清未來與真實; 它的黑眼圈是焦慮與失眠的象徵; 它沒有手指, 無法牢牢握住想要的東西。 這件在畫畫的小傢伙雕塑是根據2016年的一張小畫(圖2)為藍本製作。它低著頭用蹲姿在畫畫, 除了反映我畫畫有時會用的真實姿勢, 也暗喻著忍耐的過程, 期許未來能高高跳起。我畫畫時很容易不小心身上就沾到顏料, 便讓它全身濺了/沾了很多顏料, 我覺得那是與顏料相伴融合的投入表現。它的表情沒有很開心, 因為我覺得, 為了開心而畫畫是喜歡畫畫; 不開心還是想畫畫則是愛畫畫。 This character “The Nameless Little Guy ” appeared in my printmaking (picture 1) in 2006 when I was still studying in an Institute. It is "nameless" because I want to use it to show my emotions and thoughts that are complicated or beyond description, or some of my experiences. It not only implies myself, but also represents anyone who has the same or similar feelings and experiences. It is just as Carl R. Rogers, a psychiatrist, said, "What is most personal is most universal." Certain experiences or feelings that we think are very personal are often also experienced or felt by many people. These experiences and feelings have universality, thus, I don't give this character a specific name. It can be said to be a child in my heart and also represents a beginner's mind, so it has a naked, child-like figure and doesn't brace itself. It is often injured in this dangerous world so it wears bandages and plasters on its body. It has eyes but does not have pupils so it cannot see the future and reality clearly. Its dark circles are symbols of anxiety and insomnia. It has no fingers so it is unable to hold its desired things firmly. This sculpture of a little guy drawing is made using a small painting (picture 2) in 2016 as the blueprint to be based on. It is squatting to paint with its head lowered. Besides reflecting my real painting posture at times, it also implies the enduring process, hoping that I can jump high in the future. It is easy for me to let my body be stained with paint accidentally when I paint, so I let its body be splashed or stained with a lot of paint. I think that shows engrossment in which paints are good companions. Its expression is not very happy, because I think that liking painting is to paint to be happy, loving painting is still wanting to paint in times of unhappiness.
2/20丨The Nameless Little Guy丨polyurethanes (PU), paint丨13 x 21 x 28 cm丨2018 2/20丨《沒有名字的小傢伙》丨聚氨酯, 設色丨 13 x 21 x 28 公分丨2018 Weight 3.1 kg |
3/20丨The Nameless Little Guy丨polyurethanes (PU), paint丨13 x 21 x 28 cm丨2018 3/20丨《沒有名字的小傢伙》丨聚氨酯, 設色丨 13 x 21 x 28 公分丨2018 Weight 3.1 kg |
4/20丨The Nameless Little Guy丨polyurethanes (PU), paint丨13 x 21 x 28 cm丨2018 4/20丨《沒有名字的小傢伙》丨聚氨酯, 設色丨 13 x 21 x 28 公分丨2018 Weight 3.1 kg |
4/20丨The Nameless Little Guy丨polyurethanes (PU), paint丨13 x 21 x 28 cm丨2018 4/20丨《沒有名字的小傢伙》丨聚氨酯, 設色丨 13 x 21 x 28 公分丨2018 Weight 3.1 kg |
2018台南藝術博覽會時與作品合影 |
《沒有名字的小傢伙》在2017年12月號的《典藏投資》雜誌上露出 |
《沒有名字的小傢伙》在2017年12月號的《典藏投資》雜誌上露出 |
小傢伙的身影也曾於2009年出現在《插畫設計市集306》~ |