
未來郵件-少遊島繪社2017創作展 a Letter from Future- a Group Exhibition by Showyourisland Artists Group

展期 2017/10/06(五) ~ 2017/11/05(日)

開幕 2017/10/06(五) 19:00

時間 週二至週日 早上11點至下午6點

地址 金車文藝中心承德館(台北市大同區承德路三段131號4樓)

電話 (02)2595 9650

主辦 金車文教基金會文藝中心

官網 https://goo.gl/3LyS5n

FB     https://www.facebook.com/events/116476715681313/

策展 盧惟中

參展 王明仁、宋佳璇、李小秋、林葆靈、林慧姮、侯忠穎、洪乙丹、張家荣、張瑋特、陳佩吟、陳科偉、陳衍儒、陳儷方、黃亦中、黃昱佳、劉思廷、劉韋岑、盧惟中、駱志豪

Dates|6th Oct 2017(Fri) ~ 5th Nov 2017(Sun)
Reception|7 pm, 6th Oct 2017(Fri)
Opening hours| 11 am - 6 pm (Tue -Sun)
Venue|King Car Cultural & Art Center (4F., No.131, Sec. 3, Chengde Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, Taiwan )
TEL|(02)2595 9650
Organizer |Kingcar Cultural & Educational Foundation Art Center

Artists|Wang Ming-Ren, Song Jia-Syuan, Li Siao-Ciou, Lin Bao Ling, Lin,Hui-Heng, Hou Chung Ying, Hung Yi Tan, Chang Chia Jung, Chang Vic Te, Chen Pei-Yin, Chen Ko-Wei, Chen Yan-Ru, Chen Li Fang, Huang Yi-Chung , Huang yu chia, ​Liu Szu Ting, Liu Wei-Tsen, Lu Wei-Chung, Lo Chi Hao







by Lu,Wei-Chung

“Letters to the Future” is based on the service provided by Chunghwa Post Co. Ltd. where you can write letters to anyone at any point in time in the future, travel through time and place to express any longings and feelings. This is also the theme of Show Your Island Artist Group's joint exhibition.

It is easy to carry out. The artists draw lots to decide the person they will write to. They write something they hope this person will complete in a year. The person who receives the letter must work hard to carry out the action in the letter, and exhibit it in this joint exhibition.

Time is a type of fluid concept. The future is also changed by a small choice and action in “the past” or at “the present”. “Letters to the Future” chooses the method of time travel to invite the artists to participate together, bring about changes to each other's future. It also hopes to break through our possible blind spots of creating using this method of setting questions for each other, and then facing artistic creation from another height and angle is also a bold challenge.

The whole exhibition can be regarded as a fun game. Even though at the beginning of planning the exhibition, game rules were set for the artists to follow, some artists choose not to take part in the game, some do not follow the game rules, and some do. Their own methodologies let this exhibition present more interesting effects. Because “the future” is full of uncertainties, and “art” also changes continuously in the creating process. The achievement of different game results makes this exhibition more worth viewing.

Other than the artworks, pieces of letters and records of accomplishment processes are displays of documents, showing the processes of artists moving towards the end of the timeline through layers of choices, seeing the flow and intersection of time and art, and challenging the unlimited possibilities of art. This is also Show Your Island Artist Group's hope written to the future: Art has unlimited possibilities, and we will continue to challenge it.


 LIN Bao Ling丨The Nameless Little Guy - Endless Dark 丨Clay Mixed Media丨19.2 x 16.9 x 9.8 inch丨2017
林葆靈丨《沒有名字的小傢伙-永夜》丨黏土、複合媒材丨49 x 43 x 25公分丨2017

 LIN Bao Ling丨The Nameless Little Guy - Endless Dark 丨Clay Mixed Media丨19.2 x 16.9 x 9.8 inch丨2017
林葆靈丨《沒有名字的小傢伙-永夜》丨黏土、複合媒材丨49 x 43 x 25公分丨2017

 LIN Bao Ling丨The Nameless Little Guy - Endless Dark  (detail)丨Clay Mixed Media丨19.2 x 16.9 x 9.8 inch丨2017 
林葆靈丨《沒有名字的小傢伙-永夜》(局部)丨黏土、複合媒材丨49 x 43 x 25公分丨2017


LIN Bao Ling丨The Nameless Little Guy -Tears are Necessary 丨Mixed media丨16.5 x 16.1 x 15.9 inch丨2017
林葆靈丨《沒有名字的小傢伙-眼淚是必須的》丨複合媒材丨42 x 41 x 40.5 公分丨2017

LIN Bao Ling丨The Nameless Little Guy -Tears are Necessary 丨Mixed media丨16.5 x 16.1 x 15.9 inch丨2017
林葆靈丨《沒有名字的小傢伙-眼淚是必須的》丨複合媒材丨42 x 41 x 40.5 公分丨2017

LIN Bao Ling丨The Nameless Little Guy -Tears are Necessary 丨Mixed media丨16.5 x 16.1 x 15.9 inch丨2017
林葆靈丨《沒有名字的小傢伙-眼淚是必須的》丨複合媒材丨42 x 41 x 40.5 公分丨2017

LIN Bao Ling丨The Nameless Little Guy -Tears are Necessary 丨Mixed media丨16.5 x 16.1 x 15.9 inch丨2017
林葆靈丨《沒有名字的小傢伙-眼淚是必須的》丨複合媒材丨42 x 41 x 40.5 公分丨2017



2017年9~10月份金車文藝中心《藝文風》雙月刊電子書: https://issuu.com/kingcarart/docs/001-144

