台北藝術博覽會ART TAIPEI 2011的時候,黎畫廊將在B14帶來許國鈺、張立曄、李美慧、林葆靈、陳兆廷、邱錦屏、劉國正、吳仲宗、崔永嬿、陳穎貞、陳科偉、吳翠玲、林祉彥以及18位第二屆壹計畫新生代藝術家等精彩作品,誠摯邀請您來黎畫廊展位一飽眼福!
ART TAIPEI 2011國際藝術博覽會@台北世貿中心1館(Taipei World Trad Center)
展覽展期:2011 . 8 . 26 .(五 ) ~ 8 . 29 (一)
展覽時間:am 11 :00 ~ pm 7:00 (29 日至 pm 6:00 )
開幕預展:2011 . 8 . 25 (四)pm 6:00 ~ pm 9 :00
展覽地址:台北世界貿易中心展覽大樓一館 . 台北市信義區信義路五段五號
Nocturne in Purple and Yellow / oil and acrylic on canvas / 130 x 80 cm (60M) / 2011 / private collection
林葆靈展出作品之 1
Snowy Nocturne in New York II / aqua oil and acrylic on canvas / 62.5 x 90 cm / 2011 / private collection
( [藝術開門] 專案參加作品 )
林葆靈展出作品之 2
Art Taipei專案[藝術開門]
與其在家中放上不知經過幾層複製的藝術作品,不如放上原作,是越來越多人的生活實踐。藝術成為生活的一部份,全民收藏的時代正在來臨。倫敦平價藝術博覽會(Art Affordable Fair London)、紐約平價藝術博覽會(Art Affordable Fair NYC)皆以「親切的定價」為號召,巴黎、阿姆斯特丹、雪梨⋯⋯等地也出現同類型的會展。
呼應這樣的風潮,Art Taipei從2009年起,推出藝術開門(First Art)專案,邀請參展藝廊規劃美金2000元以下的潛力股作品,在新銳藝術家創作外,也不乏成名藝術家的小品,不僅能使藝術收藏更為普及和深入,也有和藝術初相遇的驚喜首選。不論是作為第一次入手,或是入門級收藏,First Art專案都是Art Taipei的推薦項目。
First Art
Hanging up original artworks, rather than placing a multi-dimensionally artwork replica in the house, is becoming more of a common practice. Art has become an indispensable part of life and the generation of collecting art by the general public has become more and more of a reality. The Art Affordable Fair London, Art Affordable Fair NYC have advertised with an “intimate price” as their slogan and such fair has been seen in countries such as France , Amsterdam and Sydney .
黃子佼,2011 , <忙與盲>,《典藏投資》, Pg 183
8 月 29 日凡持美術系學生證,即可免費入場參觀 ART TAIPEI!
黃子佼,2011 , <忙與盲>,《典藏投資》, Pg 183
8 月 29 日凡持美術系學生證,即可免費入場參觀 ART TAIPEI!
Art Taipei, formerly known as Taipei Art Fair International, is the longest-standing art fair in Asia. It has been organized by Taiwan Art Gallery Association since 1992. The 18th annual event, Art Taipei 2011, will be held during 26th to 29th August, 2011, at Taipei World Trade Center.
The most important link for trading Chinese and Asian arts
Art Taipei is the most experienced and professional platform for trading Chinese and Asian arts. The art market in Taiwan has become more and more mature since the 80's, and today's Taiwanese collectors, many of whom brought up in this established environment, are considered to be the best collectors in the Chinese community. Taiwan's art galleries also pride themselves with great understanding of works and relationships with artists. Not only do galleries from Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia gather at Art Taipei each year, European and North American participants are also no strangers to the event. Furthermore, with the gate opened between Taiwan and China since 2000, galleries from China and Hong Kong at the event have increased and Art Taipei is now genuinely the most important platform for Chinese arts.
Taiwan also has the inherent advantages in its location, both geographically and culturally. Located in the joint between Southeast and Northeast Asia, Taiwaneses are generally mixed-cultural, always friendly and open-minded. And with a very low Commodity Tax at only 5%, Taiwan is indeed the best venue for trading Asian arts. Also, the organizer of Art Taipei, Taiwan Art Gallery Association, is the important consultant in Chinese art markets. Its long-time experiences and knowledge have led to a comprehensive database of Chinese art market, which means the quality of Art Taipei is guaranteed. During Art Taipei, Art Taipei Forum (Asia Art Economy Forum in Taipei) will also be held and serves as the platform for gallery directors, scholars, collectors, and press from all over the world to share and exchange information about Asian art markets.
A professional art fair in presenting Asian art creation
Art Taipei is also well known for its vision. Since 2004, programs like “Artist of the Year”,I“Art Project”, and “Ela–Video” were introduced with the aim of brinigng great art works to Taiwan. In 2008, “Made in Taiwan–Young Artist Discovery” projects were launched, specifically designed to promote young, outstanding Taiwan artists onto the world stage.
In Art Taipei 2006, two new sections “Asia Live” and “Ela-Asia” focused on contemporary and electronic arts. In 2010, one new section “Art Taipei PHOTO” brought contemporary photography, conception photography and fashion photography to the scene. Through these pioneering projects, Art Taipei is now known as a professional art fair in presenting Asian art creation as well as the best venue for trading Asian arts.
Art Taipei 2010, held from August 20th to August 24th, 2010, closed on a high note. The number of participating exhibitors was 111, among which 53 were international galleries. The themed sections of Art Taipei 2010, which were Art Galleries, Mega Contemporary, Ela-Video, Art Taipei PHOTO, and Made in Taiwan–Young Artist Discovery provided the audience various stimuli of art. The exhibiting galleries considered Art Taipei 2010 a great success. New records were made on both attendance and transactions. During the five-day exhibition, this international gathering of the art world attracted 40,000 artists, collectors, curators, and art lovers from around the world. In terms of quantity and quality, Art Taipei once again proved to be one of the best international art fairs in Asia.
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source: http://www.art-taipei.com/eng/about.htm |