
Business Times 採訪稿: "Things that Blend in the Night"

Business Times

25 July 08, pg 30 (Arts Section)

謝謝記者Clarissa Tan為我的個展「
夜曲IV」(Nocturne IV) 寫的這篇報導


Things that Blend in the Night

By Clarissa Tan
        LIN Bao Ling’s work, much like the artist himself, gives the impression of longing to disappear into the ether.

        His latest series of paintings is of landscapes at night, that time when hills, trees, buildings and rocks are almost completely hidden by darkness. These hills and buildings are often blended into a kind of misty glow, so they become virtually indistinguishable from each other.

        Lin’s exhibition, called  Nocturne IV is on display at the Marina Mandarin until the end of August. It consists of 27 paintings, all done in a mixture of oil and acrylic, produced during the six months that Lin was artist-in residence at the hotel. Many of them are scenes of Singapore’s Little Guilin Area.


[個展] Nocturne IV 開幕夜

駐在濱華大酒店工作室(Marina Mandari Singapore)的五個多月轉眼過

成果展 - 夜曲IV 已於本月17日於濱華大酒店(5樓)開幕



Serene (右), 幫我處理了不少展覽相關的事. 桌上的是畫冊










亦有前輩 老師和許多朋友到場支持

 濱華酒店市場聯訊部經理,Rae Tan (左), 是當晚的司儀


[個展] Nocturne IV- a solo exhibition by Lin Bao Ling

Opening:  Thursday  17th JULY 2008   630 pm

                  Arrival of Guest of Honor, Lee Suan Hiang (李泉香), CEO, National Arts Council Singapore, 7pm

Marina Mandarin Singapore, Level 5 atrium

(6 Raffles Boulevard, Marina Square Singapore 039594)

The Exhibition runs till 31st Aug 2008.

Click here to preview Nocturne IV  online.

Click here to download Nocturne IV Catalogue

The paintings continue to deal with the idea of illumination within a chosen landscape. The landscapes are mostly silhouettes, its form in darkness are mostly mysterious and distant. The light source that appears within its darkness is always ‘just enough’ to illuminate. It is this spread of light with colour that is distinctive in Bao Lings paintings of a nocturnal matter. The area of light and radiation is always in conversation with the surrounding darkness, it is not just a matter of positive and negative compositional play, but there are subtle shifts between degrees of light from object matter to object matter. In Bao ling’s landscapes, there is never total darkness, but always a hint of light buried and spreading.  It is specified by the titles that the paintings narrate enigmatic nocturnal portrayals of time, but it also reminds me of the beginning as well as the end of time. Bao Ling’s paintings are meditations on dark light, within it, lies illumination that is like a longing for hope.
Dr Ian Woo  Yew Kong

Ian Woo is an artist and is currently Programme Leader for the Postgraduate Studies  programme at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the LASALLE College of the Arts.