
索卡藝術 X 林葆靈 | 2024限量威士忌酒標 《金豆開花》


林葆靈 /《金豆開花》/ 壓克力與亮粉於畫布/ 80 x 60公分 / 2023
LIN Bao Ling / Golden Beans Blossom / acrylic and glitters on canvas 80 x 60.5 cm 2023


I am honored to collaborate with Soka Art in creating a limited edition of 201 whisky labels. The creative inspiration stems from the folk legend of "The Blooming Golden Beans" and my experiences of spending nights in the wilderness. I interacted with the legendary dragon using my original character - The Nameless Little Guy, to express my gratitude and blessings. I hope the esteemed recipients of this Lunar New Year gift will enjoy it and feel the warmth.